
Handwriting Game

The fantastically funny and creative Rachael tagged me here.  Of course I'm in...

1. Your name and blog name
2. Your blog URL
3. Write: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
4. Your favorite quote
5. Your favorite song: right now and all time
6. Your favorite artist
7. Something you say a lot
8. Who you tag

Handwriting Game

Hopefully there are no handwriting experts out there who take one look at this and have me carted away.
On second thought, are institutions anything like spas? I mean, who couldn't use a "break" for a couple of weeks...

Alright, Jessi @ This Camera Tells My Story, Lexi @ Vessel Unto Honour, Carrie @ Carrie's Busy Nothings, and Karen @ My Goal is Simple you guys are up next!  Wanna play?